Monday, 11 June 2012

Lifts are open!

Les Gets lifts were open this weekend, and Pleney is now open for the season, so riding is under way! We rode a few lines in Les Gets, hit some nice gaps in the 'bikepark' and spent a bit of time on Chavannes side. The small jump area before the 4X has had an overhaul and for once has a nice string of tabletops. There are also a couple of new bits on the Pleney main run, some new corners and a new fly-off onto the piste. Is it any better? Well.....

Also, I have a new banner at the top, how exciting? This one is just temporary until I can get a suitable photo from this year!


  1. Sounds great. Just wish I understood what it all meant. At least it doesn't rain endlessly in Morzine. X

  2. Nice blog mate, I'm heading out to Morzine a week on Saturday and will be working for Simply Morzine, have you heard of them? Can't wait!

    The trails are looking gooooood!

  3. Yeh, heard of simply morzine. Trails are good, won't be long before they're churned up! You been out before?

  4. I came out for a brief spell in 2008, only managed to get in 3 days riding...

    Hoping to get a lot more done this time around although the job is full time so will have to wait and see.

    I've been working in an office for the past year as a placement student, any time outside this summer will be greatly appreciated!
