Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Riders Retreat's Rad Rides

Hopefully I'll get a few RRRR's, unfortunately I forgot to get a photo of Will's TR450, kitted out with BOS and DeeMax shiny parts, so that one you'll have to imagine.

Here is Dave's Intense M3, anodised black with pimp green anaodized everything - linkage, brakes, stem, seat clamp, drop outs, with matching green hoses and chainring. Pretty Beasty.

Dave looks after it well too, he's been here 2 days and is planning on stripping his forks tomorrow, and has already taken everything apart to clean and regrease. If you want the pimp treatment from Dave, get on over to Formby Cycles.


  1. Sounds impressive - or at least it would if I had the faintest idea what any of it meant!

  2. Where do the speakers go for the R'n'B?
